I’ve never been a guy who felt a need to belong to any type of larger collective. Perhaps it was a deep-seated desire to break free from my childhood and growing up as part of a large family, or maybe I was just destined to be one of those lone wolves. Whatever the case may be, as I grew older, wiser and began to climb the corporate ladder, I quickly realized that there was something really appealing about belonging to a group of like-minded professionals. Sure, at first it may have been the mega conferences with their open bars, complimentary alcohol suites and gift bags, but I soon discovered that trade associations bring far more to the table.

In addition, with an every changing regulatory and financial landscape in the entertainment industry, ATA offers members a way to stay informed and engaged in the future of their industry. It also gives agents validity and resources at a time when potential clients are expecting more services and results in a highly competitive talent market.
As I look to the future of BLBC, the ATA has a lot to offer my agents and I as we forge our place within the industry. The benefits of belonging to an association such as the ATA will aid us in better serving our clients and ultimately help us create a wholly successful environment for our company and our clients.
Who knows, there may even be a sweet swag bag in it for me somewhere along the way. For more information on the ATA visit: http://www.agentassociation.com.
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